Working with Skydeas in just 3 easy steps

1. Formulate the problem to be solved as precisely as possible!

Explanation: The fundamental contradiction, e.g. “How do I make an airplane light and stable at the same time?” is brought to a head as far as possible. In addition, the ideal end result is formulated, as required by TRIZ: What would the solution look like if we had a magic wand?

Pay attention to the wording. For example, the formulation: “What new types of houses are there?” influences the search. Using “dwelling” instead of “house” would limit the search, which can have a positive or negative effect depending on the desired solution. Replacing “types” with “variants” is more likely to direct the search to modifications of existing house concepts.

Here are a few more tips:

1. Transform a poorly structured problem formulation into a well-structured one!

2. Focus the formulation on the system improvements or the causes of the problem!

3. Find out the general conditions that are important for an optimal solution!

2. Read through the 800 elementary operations with the problem formulation (Step 1) in mind.

Explanation: Skydeas presents the most important creativity-enhancing words in a structure that helps you choose the right ones easily. The resulting associations are written down. Not all elementary operations give rise to an association. Experience shows that new ideas arise in about 10-50% of cases.

3. Check the ideas noted in step 2.

Explanation: Checking means formulating, checking for duplications, sorting and structuring. This consolidated collection serves as a starting point for further in-depth work, such as research on feasability, existing patents, etc.

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Further tips

1. This association process can be repeated as often as you like.

It can be carried out on different levels, i.e. a proposed solution to a problem can in turn serve as the starting point for a new search.

2. It is recommended to take a break after each level 1 block and then continue with a fresh mind.

A new pass can often generate new associations and ideas.

3. Focus on a different component of the problem in each round.

For example: If you want to increase the punctuality of buses, roads, passengers or other road users are other components of the system in addition to buses.
Question 1 could therefore be: How can the punctuality of buses be improved?
Question 2 could be: How can the punctuality of passengers be improved? (Which then subsequently increases the punctuality of buses)

Each time the question is varied slightly, new ideas emerge.